Monday, January 16, 2017

#WintersRespite Readathon

My TBR list has gotten out of control. It's so long it's giving me anxiety. That's why I was so excited when I found the #WintersRespite Readathon, a two week long event hosted by Seasons of Reading. The weather here in the Midwest is going to be freezing rain throughout the entire day... which makes it perfect weather for a readathon. After work, I plan to tuck myself on the couch with a cup of coffee and my pup and get at least one book out of the way. 

My goal is to read 8-10 books, not sure what all of them will be yet, but I plan to start with Murdered Gods by Marina Finlayson, followed by Alpha by Karina Espinosa. 

My progress

Day 1 (Jan. 16): 

What I read today: Murdered Gods (finished), Theta Waves (finished), and Taste (started)
Pages read: 718
Total finished books: 2

Day 2 (Jan. 17): 

What I read today: Taste (finished) and The Firethorn Crown (started)
Pages read: 145
Total finished books: 3

Day 3 (Jan. 18): 

What I read today: The Firethorn Crown (continued)
Pages read: 0
Total finished books: 3

Day 4 (Jan. 19): 

What I read today: The Firethorn Crown (continued again)
Pages read: 20 (measly, I know)
Total finished books: 3

Day 5-7 (Jan. 20-22):  No reading got done

Day 8 (Jan. 23)

What I read today: The Firethorn Crown (finished), The Dark Huntsman (DNF @ 40%), The Glass Gargoyle (started)
Pages read: 327
Total finished books: 4

Day 9-10 (Jan. 24-25)

What I read today: The Glass Gargoyle (finished)
Pages read: 346
Total finished books: 5 

Day 11 (Jan. 26)

What I read today: Birthright (started)
Pages read: 96
Total finished books: 5

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